INAT - Industrial Network Audit Tool

This project is a portable network tool the network guys can take out to the field to identify CPU usage for network devices that are deployed. Although it is simple in function, it can be expanded for more functions to help the process of rapid and deployable network auditing.


Block Diagram and Pinout


Software Flowchart



Creating the logic that gets the devices to work with one another was certainly troublesome. I didn’t get the product I expected as my limitations were that the hardware had compatibility issues with each other as well as compatibility issues with the virtual environment I was running to make my GUI work. I ended up finishing the first two milestones tediously. Also while doing the project, I realized that running things through CLI didn’t bring me as many problems as the GUI did. 

Overall, I am happy with my product as it is something completely new I can bring into the industry and hopefully a networking company can acknowledge its resourcefulness and (hopefully) hire me.

Technologies Used In This Project:

Raspberry Pi

Network Configuration

Kivy (to create GUI for CLI Scripts and Commands)

C++, C

Telnet, SSH, Serial


Custom Terminal


Fingerprint Scanner